DJAX Enterprise is designed with a dual feature – to deliver ads on the mobile web pages and applications (supported in iOS & Android devices). It delivers Ads in IAB standard Ad Sizes and adaptive to all types of mobile screen sizes. As it delivers ads in all possible areas wherever the user travels it becomes effortless for an advertiser to catch the attention of the user. It enables the mobile traffic to target the most optimally performing campaigns which in turn will yield the best revenue for the advertisers/publishers. Integrated with core targeting features and to site a few, handset device screen size, manufacturer, operating system, model name, telecom operator, etc. Mobile Adserver serves multipurpose as it helps in delivering ads on Tablets as well. Overall we assist you in setting up your own independent Mobile AdNetwork.
Mobile Device Targeting Target audience by mobile devices which include iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone and Feature Phone. Next level of target is with specific to handset device screen size, operation system, manufacturer, model name, etc.
Tablet Banner Support Serves as a multipurpose product as it delivers ads not only in mobile web pages and apps but also in tablets which is equipped with IAB standard ad formats. Integrated with all the features available for mobile ad delivery.
Mobile APP SDK Helps in delivering ads in mobile applications and adheres to IAB standard ad formats. Integrated with unique features like cross app unique user detection, auto ad refresh, and so on.
Ad Formats
Text Banner ad Text ads typically contain words which includes a link to the website along with a description or promotion of your product or service. Benefits of using text ads are cost effective, search engine friendly, etc.
Image Ads Image ads include text, images and animation with a link to the website. You can customize your layouts and background colors. Benefits are cost effective, easy to create & catch audience attention easily.
Helps the advertisers to improve the performance and reach of their online advertising campaigns. In short, Frequency capping allows the advertisers to limit the number of times a visitor seeks a specific ad, resulting in increased return to the advertiser for every ads.
Ready to buy? Sign in up now for Ad Serving and dJAX Enterprise integration!